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Category Archives: Identity Theft

Experian Equifax and TransUnion must help service members with identity theft

Experian Equifax and TransUnion Must Help Service Members With Identity Theft

By Blankingship & Christiano, P.C. |

From 2014 to 2020 military complaints about identity theft have risen 500%. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau recently issued a report regarding the rising incidence of identity theft affecting service members and their families.  The report states that Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion “must be responsive to identity theft and credit concerns of service members… Read More »

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Experian Reports Identity Theft Is On The Rise

Experian Reports Identity Theft Is On The Rise

By Blankingship & Christiano, P.C. |

According to Experian, identity theft is on the rise on a national scale. With rising identity theft claims, consumers bear the burden of proof Unfortunately for consumers, while Experian acknowledges the increase in identity theft, our experience is that Experian allows inaccurate identity theft accounts to remain on a consumer’s credit report. If Experian… Read More »

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How To Report Identity Theft

Exhausted by Identity Theft? Learn How To Report It

By Blankingship & Christiano, P.C. |

Proving identity theft claims is an uphill battle No doubt being the victim of identity theft is a terrifying and exhausting experience, but what most consumers don’t understand is that the deck is stacked against them. You could be the victim of a hack or a loved one has used your social security number… Read More »

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Make Protecting Your Credit Your New Year’s Resolution

By Blankingship & Christiano, P.C. |

If you are the victim of identity theft, the road back to restoring your credit can be long and frustrating. If the worst does happen to you, an identity theft attorney in Washington DC can make the process of filing a credit report dispute and restoring your reputation easier. However, you can also take… Read More »

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Identity Theft in Leesburg

Identifying Three Types of Identity Theft

By Blankingship & Christiano, P.C. |

Being a victim of identity theft can be terrifying and devastating, especially because you may not even realize you have been targeted until damage has already been done. If you believe you may have been the victim of identity theft, it is essential to contact a credit lawyer in Ashburn. If your credit has… Read More »

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Identity Theft Lawyer in Leesburg

Getting the Facts About Identity Theft

By Blankingship & Christiano, P.C. |

Identity theft is a serious crime that is broadly defined as the fraudulent use of another individual’s personal information, typically for financial gain. Many different types of personal information may be stolen and used for fraudulent purposes, such as an individual’s Social Security number, credit card number, and bank account number. Anyone can become… Read More »

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How to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

By Blankingship & Christiano, P.C. |

Identity theft occurs when someone gains access to your Social Security number and uses that information to pretend they are you. Identity thieves may open new credit cards, obtain loans, and even get a driver’s license—all in your name. If you are worried about identity theft, contact an identity theft lawyer in Ashburn and… Read More »

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identity theft, credit report, credit report lawyer

A Look at the Dangers of Identity Theft

By Blankingship & Christiano, P.C. |

In a world where more and more financial transactions are conducted online, identity theft is an ever-present danger. If you are like most Americans, you may not fully understand how identity theft works—or how it can throw your life off track. However, if someone manages to steal your identity, an identity theft attorney near… Read More »

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Protecting Your Identity Online

By Blankingship & Christiano, P.C. |

If you believe your personal information has been compromised, you can find the help you need from an identity theft attorney in Leesburg. However, it’s certainly preferable to prevent identity theft from occurring at all. Be your own consumer advocate by refusing to share personal information online. Use strong passwords, such as those containing… Read More »

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The Crime of Identity Theft

By Blankingship & Christiano, P.C. |

Identity theft can happen to anyone, anywhere. This faceless crime is becoming more and more commonplace in our increasingly electronic financial world. When someone uses your personal information, credit card numbers, or other identifying information to steal money, goods, and services without your knowledge, you are a victim of identity theft. Watch this video… Read More »

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