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How to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

Identity theft occurs when someone gains access to your Social Security number and uses that information to pretend they are you. Identity thieves may open new credit cards, obtain loans, and even get a driver’s license—all in your name. If you are worried about identity theft, contact an identity theft lawyer in Ashburn and watch the following video clip.

Many consumers do not realize that their identity has been stolen and take action by contacting an identity theft attorney until months after the fact. During that time, an identity thief can inflict untold damage, racking up thousands of dollars in debt or even earning a criminal record. This can destroy a person’s credit, leading to the need for credit disputes, and affect the victim’s personal and professional lives. Today, many services help consumers proactively protect themselves against this type of fraud. If your identity is stolen, an experienced consumer protection law firm can help indemnify you, restoring your reputation and good credit.

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